Holliday honored as inaugural Heart of Gold award recipient at Bill Gregory Health Care Classic5/14/2024 Lisa Holliday was presented with Live4It Community’s inaugural Heart of Gold award during the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic on April 27 near Hamilton Health Care System’s campus.
“Lisa ... sets a high standard for future recipients,” Live4It Community officials said. The Heart of Gold award is given to an individual who embodies the Live4It Community key concept of “Invest in One Another.” The concept centers around giving time, talent and treasures to foster meaningful connections to family, friends and philanthropy to find perspective, overcome obstacles and boost physical and mental health. Holliday, a registered nurse at Shaw Industries, is known among her co-workers as someone who consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty, according to a press release. “I witnessed Lisa investing in someone who had a need. She didn’t just say a few kind words to them. She reached out and reached deep, not only into her own heart but into the heart of someone else. Witnessing this beautiful example of love and kindness touched more than just the person in need, she impacted everyone that witnessed it,” said Amanda Reed Myers, CEO of Live4It Community. “Lisa is a beautiful example of a Heart of Gold as she serves her employer, her community and her fellow man.” “I manage the nursing program at Shaw, and Lisa is one of our top nurses who is all-in,” said Jennifer Dean, Senior Health Services manager. “It doesn’t matter what time of day or night, she’s taking care of people. Lisa is so deserving of this award.” Celebrating its 41st anniversary this year, the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic was a collaborative effort between Live4It Community and Hamilton’s Bradley Wellness Center. “I am so thrilled that not only did we have beautiful weather but we had the most amazing energy and talent on the course,” said Myers. “Our volunteers, sponsors and participants came together to make a beautiful memory in honor of Dr. Bill Gregory and in honor of our community.” The Bill Gregory Health Care Classic honors the life and legacy of Gregory, a local physician who was passionate about health and wellness. Attendees participated in the event’s 10K, 5K and 2K races. Winners are posted online at https://www.live4itcommunity.org/bghcc.html. Live4It Community recognized its group award winners:
Sponsors included Platinum sponsors Alliant Health Plans and Hamilton Health Care System; Gold sponsors Lyle Industries and Physicians Health Services; Silver sponsors Shaw Industries, Engineered Floors and Barrett Properties; Bronze sponsors Mohawk Industries, Textile Management Associates and Bank OZK; and Friends of Bill Gregory, Dalton Plastic Surgery, Coldwell Banker Kinard Realty, Signs and Signs, Integrated Landscape Solutions, the Fiddleheads Garden Center and Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Supporting entities were Chick-fil-A (Glenwood and West Walnut Avenue), Dalton Fire Department, Dalton Police Department, Dalton Utilities, Dalton Public Works, Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority, Reed & Reed Sales, Sodexo, Trinity Disposal Service, Whitco and Whitfield Transit. Special thanks to Lt. Gary Stanley for his beautiful tribute to the national anthem. For information on next year’s race, visit https://www.live4itcommunity.org/bghcc_savethedate.html. Live4It Community is a nonprofit 501©(3) organization that strives to enhance and improve lifestyle and environment through its initiatives and in partnership with other organizations.
In her work as a registered nurse at Shaw Industries, Lisa Holliday is “all in,” said Jennifer Dean, the senior health services manager at the Dalton-based flooring company.
“I manage the nursing program at Shaw and Lisa is one of our top nurses who is all in,” Dean said. “It doesn’t matter what time of day or night, she’s taking care of people.” Holliday was recently recognized for her work as a nurse at Shaw by Dalton-based nonprofit Live4It Community. Holliday was given the organization’s first “Heart of Gold Award” at the recent 2024 Bill Gregory Health Care Classic race. The award is given to “an individual who embodies the Live4It Community key concept of ‘invest in one another,’” according to a press release. “I witnessed Lisa investing in someone who had a need,” said Amanda Reed Myers, Live4It CEO. “She didn’t just say a few kind words to them. She reached out and reached deep, not only into her own heart but into the heart of someone else. Witnessing this beautiful example of love and kindness touched more than just the person in need, she impacted everyone that witnessed it. Lisa is a beautiful example of a heart of gold as she serves her employer, her community and her fellow man.” For her service to others as a nurse, the Dalton Daily Citizen names Lisa Holliday Person of the Week. DALTON – When Amanda Reed Myers, the president and CEO of Live4It Community, thinks about longtime Dalton physician Bill Gregory, she appreciates his many efforts in “spreading awareness for health and wellness.” That was one of the reasons Live4It Community, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) focused on “changing the trajectory of health and wellness” in the community, partnered with Hamilton Health Care System’s Bradley Wellness Center to once again organize this year’s Bill Gregory Health Care Classic, which takes place on Saturday, April 27.
This is the 41st year of the Classic, which features participants in 10K, 5K or 2K events throughout parts of Dalton. This year’s race seeks to shine a spotlight on “healthy lifestyles and environments,” Myers said. “It is a great cornerstone race and one of the largest community races in Dalton,” Myers said. “Last year was our first year partnering with Bradley Wellness Center. They’ve been doing it for several years. In fact, Hamilton goes back all the way to the inception of the race. They first had individuals who started that race and over the last 40 or so years it’s kind of grown and developed. Live4It Community is proud to carry it for- ward alongside Bradley Wellness Center.” Gregory, who was a physician with Hamilton Health Care System, tragically died in 2006 after a bicycling accident. Simply known as the Health Care Classic in earlier years, the race’s name was changed in 2007 to honor him. Myers said one of Live4It Community’s goals in organizing the race is to “meet people where they are.” That meant slightly adjusting the race route from previous years. For the 10K and 5K races, participants will begin on Broadrick Drive, just as they have in the past. “But this year, they will begin at the intersection of Broadrick and Jack Bandy (Way), which is the new road that runs between Royal Oaks (assisted living facility) and the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) on Hamilton’s campus,” Myers said. Participants will then run or walk to Elkwood Drive, through the Royal Oaks parking lot and then back onto Broadrick Drive toward West Waugh Street before heading east toward Jones Street. “It’s still similar to the past, with the exception of us moving the starting line north and closer to the intersection of Jack Bandy and Broadrick,” Myers said. Another change will see both the 10K and 5K beginning simultaneously at 8:15 a.m. “We normally would start one race and then start the second one fifteen minutes later, but they’ll actually run together until they get to Jones (Street),” Myers said. “From there, all runners will split. The 10K runners will turn right onto Tyler Street, whereas the 5K runners will run to Cascade (Drive).” This year, the 2K race will be less of a challenge than previously, Myers said. “We live in a community with lots of hills and it’s a challenging course, including the 2K,” she said. “So, one of the takeaways from last year’s race was that for the folks who were really just getting started in their health journey and the 2K was their entrance into health and well- ness or into participating every year, those hills can be really hard on a beginner.” This year, the 2K, which begins at 10 a.m., will start at the intersection of Broadrick Drive and Memorial Drive. Participants will then head toward Jack Bandy Way, through the Royal Oaks parking lot, back up Broadrick and down to West Waugh Street before turning around and heading back to the finish line at the Hamilton ASC. “So, for the folks that are beginning their health journey and want to be part of the 2K, this year’s run is still not without its challenges and hills, but certainly a little bit easier than last year,” Myers said. Myers said the event will headline a “true community day of health.” “Everyone is welcome to come and join,” she said. “We want this to impact lifestyle and environment, so we love it when families, co-workers and friends come together.” Early registration is open and available at www.Live4ItCommunity.org until April 12 at $25, while regular registration will be open April 13-27 at $35. Those who preregister online will receive a special race T-shirt. Myers said a large part of the community-centric day, and of Live4It Community as a whole, revolves around “changing the culture.” “If we can change culture, lifestyle and environment when it comes to health and well- ness, then we believe we can have a huge impact on how long our community lives in the long run and how healthy we are,” she said. “That’s really the focus. Everyone wants to see friends, families, neighbors and co-workers live longer, healthier and happier lives.” Although it’s a one-day event, Myers hopes to see the race continue to blossom in the future. “I really want to see it as a springboard for conversations of what’s next for our community,” she said. “Having this race named after a gentleman who did so many good things and was just such a good representation of health and wellness helps show how great our medical community is. We are fortunate to have Hamilton Medical Center’s physicians here hosting the race along with us and I think this race is just a beacon of hope for what we’re trying to achieve and how we’re going to work together to do it.” Registration Now Open! DALTON, Ga. – One of Dalton’s largest community races, the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic (Bill Gregory) takes place on April 29. After a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bill Gregory returns to celebrate its 40th anniversary. This year’s race is presented jointly by Live4It Community and Hamilton Health Care System’s Bradley Wellness Center. The Bill Gregory features 10K, 5K and 2K timed races starting and ending at Bradley Wellness Center. Registration for the races is open on Live4ItCommunity.org. Early Bird registration is open now through April 14 at a special rate of $25 per participant. Registration from April 15 through race day is $35 per participant. Only pre-registrants are guaranteed a race T-shirt. For more information on the race, visit the website at Live4ItCommunity.org or Facebook page @Live4ItJourney. Bill Gregory Health Care Classic: Honoring a Community Hero Dr. Bill Gregory, a local Dalton physician who spent his career taking care of patients and promoting wellness and healthy lifestyles, was tragically killed in June 2006 in a bicycling accident. In 2007, the "Health Care Classic" race was changed to the "Bill Gregory Health Care Classic" to honor him and his commitment to the community. Over the years, the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic has become a beloved community event, as well as an invitation to continue the community work started by Dr.Gregory so many years ago. For decades, this cornerstone event has attracted thousands of students, employers, providers, church groups and individuals to participate in the event's 2K, 5K and 10K races. Live4It Community has picked up the torch and is carrying the event forward as a joint effort with Bradley Wellness Center. For more information about the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic, visit Live4ItCommunity.org. Live4It Community
Live4It Community, a non-profit 501(c)3, strives to enhance and improve lifestyle and environment through collaboration with health care entities, local employers, school systems, community and faith based organizations. The Dalton Neighborhood Initiative, also known as DNI, the Bill Gregory Health Care Classic, and community-based initiatives in resilience are examples of community outreach programs presented by Live4It Community in collaboration with key community partners. For more information about Live4It Community, visit Live4ItCommunity.org. |
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